Friday 5 September 2008

T-Pain's Hunt For The Perfect VMA Ride Starts ... At A Funeral Home?

T-Pain and MTV News correspondent Tim Kash ar a pairing so odd, they make Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker wait like twins. Heck, they make "Twins" stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito look like twins.

Imagine the surprised reckon on Kash's face when he was given the assignment of interviewing the white-hot R&B melody mavin as Pain looked for the everlasting vehicle for his bad arrival at this Sunday's MTV
Video Music Awards. The undertaking only got stranger when Kash was told to meet Pain at Spalding Mortuary.

"I don't know what I'm doing here," Kash said, seconds after pull up in a Cadillac Escalade. Not long afterward, Pain showed up eroding one of his three hundred top hats � a red one with psychedelic patterns � and a T-shirt adorned with random celebrity faces ranging from Patrick Ewing to Don Mattingly to Rosie Perez. Pain informed Kash they didn't experience to move around far to scope out the starting time of trey possible vehicle choices. Out came a hearse from the garage.

"I'm coming to the VMAs. Everybody is doing the same thing," Pain explained. "I demand to get under one's skin my differ-rench-ee-ality on. I got to make sure I come in correct. Correct!

"I gotta rule something that's really gonna have me looking chastise," he continued. "Everybody is pulling up in the same kinda car. I figure, why not come in to my spot?"

More information

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Burning incense increases cancer risks: study

Inhaling incense fumes all over long periods increases the risk of developing cancers of the respiratory nerve pathway, a finding that applies to Asian populations worldwide, researchers warn.

Burning incense � a mix of set materials and oils � is an integral part of daily life in large parts of Asia, as well as in North Africa and among Inuit populations.

Incense releases large amounts of smoke containing particulate matter that gets caught in the lungs, as well as possible carcinogens such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), carbonyls and benzene.

Indoor concentrations of particulate matter from burning incense has been found to far outmatch outdoor air quality standards, and privy potentially produce more particulate matter than second-hand tobacco smoke, premature studies have shown.

Burning incense almost twofold the risk of squamous cell carcinomas in the upper respiratory tract, such as the nose and sinuses, tongue, mouth and larynx, said the researchers led by Dr. Jeppe Friborg of the epidemiology department at Statens Serum Institut in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Their findings are promulgated in the Oct. 1 issue of the journal Cancer.

"Given the widespread and sometimes involuntary exposure to smoke of burning incense, these findings carry significant public health implications," the study's authors concluded.

"Besides initiatives to reduce incense smoke exposure, future studies should be undertaken to identify the least harmful types of incense."

While a cause-and-effect relationship could not be established in this type of study, experts suggest burning incense less a great deal and improving ventilation to minimize the long-term risks.

The risk increased in both smokers and non-smokers, the study of more than 61,000 Singaporean Chinese found. The intensity and duration of incense utilisation were likewise both coupled to the levels of risk, Friborg's team found.

The overall risk of lung cancer did not appear to gain with incense use, only the study did intimate a link to increased risk of a specific type of disease, squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.

Participants were aged 45 to 74 and were free of cancer when they were first interviewed in 1993-1998. They were followed until 2005.

Over that time, a total of 325 upper respiratory pathway cancers (including nasal/sinus, tongue, mouth, laryngeal and former cancers) and 821 lung cancers were found.

More information

Saturday 16 August 2008

Amy Winehouse Runs Riot In Camden

...more Amy Winehouse �

If you were having Amy Winehouse withdrawal symptoms, hurt no more - the screeching trainwreck was back on manikin last night as she was mauled by photographers during her first public appearance in almost two weeks.

Amy, nail with grubby orange tan, was accompanied by bodyguards as she visited the Dingwalls saloon in Camden.

But the Rehab star - who was at the pub to help raise money for the fire ravished Hawley Arms - left after ten minutes following a row with a DJ.

According to photographers, she then �ran riot� with her god-daughter before one of her bodyguards became mired in an altercation with paparazzi.

Winehouse's net stop of the nox was at a local petrol station - where she failed to pick up some playing cards - before returning to her theater in the district.

Get your Wino situate here.

Thursday 7 August 2008

'Twilight' Mania Kicks Into Full Gear In NYC With The Release Of 'Breaking Dawn'

NEW YORK � With "Breaking Dawn," the last installment of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" lamia series, define to hit stores at midnight (and the start night of the "Breaking Dawn" concert series set to premier at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square), the city seemed to be filled with homemade Cullen T-shirts in support of the first vampire

Monday 30 June 2008

Project 86

Project 86   
Artist: Project 86



Rival Factions   
 Rival Factions

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 10

And The Rest Will Follow   
 And The Rest Will Follow

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 12

Songs To Burn Your Bridges By   
 Songs To Burn Your Bridges By

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 11

Truthless Heroes   
 Truthless Heroes

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 17

Drawing Black Lines   
 Drawing Black Lines

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 12

Project 86   
 Project 86

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 2

Project 86 is an intense foursome Christian rock band from Southern California. Members are vocalizer Andrew Schwab, pianist, guitarist, and vocalist Randy Torres, drummer Alex Albert, and bassist and guitarist Steven Dail. With knock-down guitar riffs and pound drums, this group's hard-core sound is comparable to that of Tool, Korn, Helmet, Rage Against the Machine, and Limp Bizkit. Schwab, Torres, Albert, and Dail exhausted a lot of time on their house prime in Orange Country shining their sound and performances in front pickings to the road nationwide. They have appeared with groups like Liquid Gang, Five Iron Frenzy, Ultraspank, Supertones, and the noted radical P.O.D., playacting packed shows and festivals.

In 1998, Project 86 released its self-titled debut album for BEC Recordings. The album sold well, promptly elevation the mathematical group to one of the top peter Sellers for BEC. Exceptional singles from the album landed on the CMJ, Hits Magazine, Box Video, and Album Network charts. Some tracks were secondhand on popular shows care Road Rules and The Real World, both on MTV. A few of the heavy tunes from the album are "Spill Me," "Captain Hicks Sirens," "Phlebotomize Season," and "When Darkness Reigns."

Project 86 went back into the studio and came out in 2000 with their sophomore record album, Drawing Black Lines, recorded under the Atlantic Records tag. Well-known producer GGGarth and salient railroad engineer Bryan Carlstrom have both worked with the adept group. The guys followed up for Atlantic in 2003 with Truthless Heroes earlier jump to Tooth & Nail for 2004's Songs to Burn Your Bridges By. The band's fifth part album, And the Rest Will Follow, appeared in the fall of 2005.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Sienna Miller - Sienna Miller To Play Maid Marian In Robin Hood Remake

Sienna Miller has revealed that she is to play Maid Marian in Sir Ridley Scott's upcoming Robin Hood film.

The Stardust actress will star alongside Russell Crowe in the film, likely to be entitled Nottingham, she confirmed today.

"It's happening. I just found out. It's the most exciting news in the world," she told the BBC.

However, the film's progress could be hampered by the impending possibility of an actor's strike, the 26-year-old actress admitted.

"It's ridiculous. But there's this looming actor's strike, so it's not 100 per cent sure that it's going to be made, but it's looking pretty certain."

Miller, speaking while on promotion duties for her new film The Edge of Love, said working with the team behind Gladiator was "as good as it gets" and that she "could not have a better part".

Crowe and Scott have collaborated on five occasions, most recently on American Gangster, while Crowe's turn as Maximus in Scott's Oscar-winning Gladiator transformed his career

The director revealed in February that the film is to be shown from the sheriff's point of view, returning to England as the late King Richard's right-hand man "to carry forward Richard's dream about England".

While Richard's brother, the unpopular new king John, arouses discontent through introducing taxation and arresting outlaws, the sheriff's attempt to instill order are threatened by the anarchical exploits of Robin Hood.

18/06/2008 12:22:28

See Also

Monday 16 June 2008

The Eye (2008) - 6/3/2008

While it may be clich� to say it, the Asian horror phenomenon is officially dead -- and Jessica Alba killed it. Six years after Hong Kong's Pang brothers unleashed the original creepshow, those horror bottom feeders at Lionsgate have delivered The Eye, a mandated PG-13 retread. While it would be nice to say that the time spent in greenlight limbo aged the frightfest and it's slightly hackneyed organ transplant premise like fine wine, the truth is that all we end up with is overripe cheese.

Sydney Wells (Alba) is a famed concert violinist. At the age of five, a fireworks accident left her blind. She tried surgery at age 12, but it didn't work, so for the last 15 years, she's spent her life sightless. Now, big sister Helen (Parker Posey), who feels responsible for her condition, sets up another procedure. Sydney receives a set of donor corneas, and within weeks, she is seeing again. She's also having hallucinatory visions of burning people, suicidal school children, and a weird shadowy visage with a mouth full of ghost fangs. Seems the previous owner of these eyes died mysteriously and wants Sydney to experience the same visual hell she lived through -- and there is nothing our heroine, or her determined doctor (Alessandro Nivola) can do to stop it.

Paced so slowly that even buffet-bloated old folks will think it dawdles, The Eye is stupendously bad. To say that it wastes the talents of all involved suggests that the people behind the lens had some sort of confirmed skill to begin with. The team of David Moreau and Xavier Palud, responsible for the critically acclaimed French spook show Ils (also know as Them) seem to have fallen into the same stifling trap that most foreign filmmakers land in when translating their abilities to Tinseltown's idea of entertainment. Instead of showing the same expertise for suspense and straightforwardness, all we get is one embarrassing convolution after another.

The Eye is the kind of movie that telegraphs everything. While hospitalized, Sydney meets a young girl who is dying of cancer. Brave in the face of a horrible disease, you just know she'll play a part in our main character's increasing ability to "almost" see dead people. Similarly, a little boy desperately looking for his report card becomes a Grudge-like specter constantly haunting the hallway outside Sydney's apartment. All of this is laughable, announcing its intentions like a neon sign shouting, "PLOT POINT! PLOT POINT!" Even worse, the Ring-like resolution, where Alba discovers the truth about the peepers she's received, seems anticlimactic and antithetical to everything that came before. Without giving anything away, we learn that all angry banshees want is a little afterlife reassurance.

Alba the actress is her usual eye candy self, bereft of a single emotion that can't be shown on her broad, bow-lipped face. Even when mentally anguished, she appears one beat away from her standard Sue Storm whininess. She doesn't get much support, either. Posey looks like she's waiting for her paycheck to clear, while Nivola has the bedside manner of a statue. Apparently, when the recipient of some newfound eyesight comes to you complaining about a series of unnerving delusions, you're supposed to scoff at and then demean them.

Yet it's the lack of legitimate scares that finally sinks The Eye. It's clear that Moreau and Palud believe in the false shock theory of shivers. There are so many "it was just a dream" sequences, sudden jolts, and half-glimpsed phantoms that we're never quite sure where to focus our dread. And even after we decide, our directors reconfigure the spotlight. Besides, it's nothing we haven't "seen" before -- or want to see ever again.

The best way to experience the film.

See Also